Adam Berkoff (B.A., 1991) reflects on connections made and the opportunity to interact with some of the “elite minds in the field” at UW – Madison Department of Art History.
Liz McGoey
(Art Institute of Chicago, B.A. 2003) reflects on an assignment with UW – Madison Department of Art History Professor Barbara Buenger that helped launch her career.
Julia Griffith(B.A., 2012) remembers her introduction to art history through a course her freshman year course with the late Prof. Jane Hutchison.
Berit Ness (Smart Museum of Art, M.A. 2015) reflects on what she took away from her time as a Master’s student in the department
Angela Kim (Berkeley Therapy Institite, B.A. 2001) talks about what she took away from her Art History degree.
Francesca Pessarelli
(Ceysson & Bénétière Gallery NY, B.A., ’18) reflects on her time with the UW Madison Department of Art History