Alumni Oral Histories

Adam Berkoff
Image of Adam Berkoff seated with white board in background
(B.A., 1991) reflects on connections made and the opportunity to interact with some of the “elite minds in the field” at UW – Madison Department of Art History.

Liz McGoey
Image of McGoey during interview

(Art Institute of Chicago, B.A. 2003) reflects on an assignment with UW – Madison Department of Art History Professor Barbara Buenger that helped launch her career.

Julia GriffithImage of alumni speaking(B.A., 2012) remembers her introduction to art history through a course her freshman year course with the late Prof. Jane Hutchison.

Berit NessImage of Berit Ness during interview with Prof. Anna Andrzejewski (Smart Museum of Art, M.A. 2015) reflects on what she took away from her time as a Master’s student in the department

Angela KimImage of Angela Kim (Berkeley Therapy Institite, B.A. 2001) talks about what she took away from her Art History degree.


Francesca Pessarelli
Francesca Pessarelli reflects on her time at UW Art History
(Ceysson & Bénétière Gallery NY, B.A., ’18) reflects on her time with the UW Madison Department of Art History

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