Heather Green is an interdisciplinary visual artist and educator whose work explores the ecological narratives of a small headland along the Gulf of California in Sonora, Mexico. Whether documenting the movements of the tide, interviewing fishermen, collaborating with scientists, or combing the shoreline—she aims to evoke a nuanced exactitude of place, attuning to its more subtle reaches through a practice of walking, mapping and naming. In order to offer the experience as a multidimensional, multi-sensory immersion, her installations use a wide range of media and interactive elements. Whether turning a handle to view a moving image or taking away a hand-printed card, she invites the audience to engage visually as well as haptically, allowing an opportunity for participation that calls for more sustained attention.
Fall 2023 Visiting Artist Colloquium
Wednesdays @ 5 – 6:15pm
Elvehjem L160
Online at Zoom: go.wisc.edu/uw-art-talks
The Art Department Colloquium is a series supported by the Anonymous Fund and the Brittingham Trust. Visiting Artist lectures are held every Wednesday during the academic year, and are free and open to the public.
Discover the latest developments in Fine art, Craft, and Design at our free public lectures by some of the nation’s most prominent artists, critics, and gallery and museum directors.