CEMS Symposium – Early Modern Otherworlds

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Memorial Library, 126
@ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Center for Early Modern Studies (CEMS) continue to explore fields of inquiry and contributions to knowledge that impact our understanding not only of the lived experience and existential concerns that characterized past historical periods, but also of how we might perceive our own world. CEMS symposium “Early Modern Otherworlds” signals the widespread production of imaginary worlds in the early modern era through different media and motivated by literary, philosophical, religious, social, political, cosmographic and artistic concerns. This event brings together scholars to consider a wide array of articulations of imaginary or realizable worlds as well as to reflect on our own world as a world, a concern that reaches urgently into our own times.

Professor Yuhang Li and Visiting Assistant Professor Sunghoon Lee, both with the Department of Art History, will present in sessions during the symposium.

Image of Two Worlds side-by-side with event information over top.