Anna Andrzejewski

Position title: Professor of American Art and Architecture; Centennial Chair

Pronouns: she/her/hers


210 Conrad A. Elvehjem Building
Office Hours: Face to face at Chazen Museum lobby and/or Chazen Café (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) and by appointment.

Anna headshot

Website: Anna Andrzejewski’s personal webpage

B.A. Washington University, 1991
M.A. Washington University, 1993
Ph.D. University of Delaware, 2001

Research Interests
American art, American material and visual culture, and North American vernacular architecture and landscape history.

Anna Andrzejewski has been a member of the faculty since 2000. A former Director of the Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE), she is also an affiliate of the Departments of Geography and Planning and Landscape Architecture as well as an affiliate of the Nelson Institute.

Anna’s research focuses on vernacular buildings and landscapes in North America, with an emphasis lately on post-World War II architecture. She has completed a book on the postwar building industry (with an emphasis on Madison-based builder Marshall Erdman) and is currently working on an in-depth study of the cultural landscape of vacation and retirement in South Florida between 1945–1970. Anna also works in the public humanities, most recently on several projects in southwestern North Dakota.

Selected Recent Publications
“Building NALCREST, a Retirement Suburb for Postal Workers in Central Florida.” ARRIS 32 (Winter 2021):3–21.

“DIY Madison: How Marshall Erdman’s 1953 Expo Seized on a Growing Do-It-Yourself Trend,” Wisconsin Magazine of History 105, no. 2 (Winter 2021):30–39.

The Costs of Leisure in South Florida.Platform (July 2022).

‘Selling Sunshine’: The Mackle Company’s Marketing Efforts to Build Retirement and Vacation Houses in South Florida, 1945–1975.” Building & Landscapes 27, no. 2 (Fall 2020):59–82.

Writing Human(e) Histories of Architecture in South Florida,” Platform (December 2019).

Perspectives on Place: North Dakota Fieldschool 2018editor and author. Produced in conjunction with Fall 2018 fieldschool in Dickinson, N.D., 2019.

“Folk Farmsteads on the Frontier,” editor and co-author, 2017.

Recent Teaching
AH 202: Renaissance to Modern Art (face-to-face, online blended options)
AH 364: History of American Art, 1607 to Present
AH 367: History of Wisconsin Architecture (online)
AH 457: History of American Vernacular Architecture & Landscape
AH 468: Frank Lloyd Wright
AH 567: Proseminar in American Architecture (topics vary)
AH 701: Practicum in Art History: Bibliography, Historiography, Methods
AH 867: Seminar in American Architecture (topics vary)
ENV STUDIES 922: Methods in Environmental History Research