Claire Kilgore

Position title: Ph.D. Candidate; Lecturer, Religious Studies Program

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Virtual Office Hours: TBA, and by appointment.

Image of grad student with blue-grey background

Curriculum Vitae

B.A. The College of William & Mary, 2014
M.A. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017

Claire Kilgore is a Ph.D. Candidate studying late medieval art and religious practice. She received her Masters in Art History from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 2017, where her thesis examined the materiality and optics of rock crystal reliquaries belonging to the Aachen treasury. Her dissertation examines depictions of pregnancy, childbirth and reproductive anatomy, including depictions of dress and household linens in scenes of sacred birth, in German-speaking lands between the fourteenth and mid-sixteenth centuries. Other research interests include material religion, pilgrimage, and devotional jewelry. She is a co-curator of the 2024 exhibition “Material Muses: Medieval Devotional Culture and Its Afterlives” at the Haggerty Museum of Art (Milwaukee, Wisconsin).

“Clothing the City’s Martyrs: Weaving and Spinning in Late Medieval Cologne and Devotion to the Cult of the Eleven Thousand Virgins,” forthcoming in Medieval Clothing and Textiles 19 (expected 2025).

Exhibition Report of Das Mittelalter—die Kunst des Jahrhunderts (The Middle Ages—the Art of the 15th Century), ICMA News, no. 3 (2023):33–35.

Review of Visual Aggression: Images of Martyrdom in Late Medieval Germany by Assaf Pinkus.” Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures, Vol.48, Issue 2, (2022): 271-274.

Review of The Care of Nuns: The Ministries of Benedictine Women in England during the Central Middle Ages, by Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 51 (2020):253–55.

Viewing Heaven: Rock Crystal, Reliquaries, and Transparency in Fourteenth-Century Aachen.” MA Thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017.

Albrecht Dürer, A Sick Woman on her Deathbed.” In Strange Bodies: Hybrid, Text, and the Human Form, Prints from the Sheldon Museum of Art, edited by Alison G. Stewart, 10-11. Lincoln, NE: Zea E-Books No. 51 (2016)

2023 Medieval Academy of America Helen Maud Cam Dissertation Grant

Material Muses: Medieval Devotional Culture and its Afterlives, Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI (August 23–December 22, 2024), co-curated with Abby Armstrong Check and Tania Kolarik.

ART HIST 103: Animating Art History
ART HIST 201: History of Western Art I: From Pyramids to Cathedrals
RELIG ST / GEN&WS 305: Women, Gender, Religion
RELIG ST / ILS 234: Genres of Western Religious Writing

Primary Advisor(s)
Thomas E. A. Dale