B.A. University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2010
M.A. University of Delaware, 2015
Travis is an architectural historian interested in cultural history, material culture, and the built environment, with a specialization in American vernacular landscapes. His graduate research pertains to the intersection of architectural and environmental history as it pertains to health resort culture. His previous research has focused on the methodologies of architectural fieldwork and the ways in which scholars can broaden their approach to better ascertain historic lived experiences. Most recently he has worked for the City of Philadelphia as an architectural historian of the city’s parks and recreation properties, documenting, interpreting, and protecting that city’s historic buildings and landscapes.
2020 HABS/SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellowship
AH 364: History of American Art: Art, Material Culture, and Constructions of Identity, 1607–Present
Primary Advisor(s)
Anna V. Andrzejewski