How can we reframe glass? Can we view it through a different lens? Emcee’d by visiting artist and critic May Maylisa Cat, 16:9—Reframing Glass is a film festival screening a diverse collection of works from UW Glass alumna, exploring themes such as: identity, culture, language, surveillance, and superstition. Centering glass and video as primary mediums, this curation also dives into performance art and materiality, showcasing the interplay between tradition and innovation. This event aims to foster an understanding of glass and see how artists are interpreting this fascinating medium anew.
16:9—Reframing Glass coincides with the Chazen Museum’s Look What Harvey Did exhibition, which is a collection of classic American Studio Glass. The Chazen exhibition foregrounds the indelible 1962 seminal narrative of American Studio Glass movement at UW–Madison, which introduced hot glass as a contemporary art medium. This event takes inspiration not only from Harvey Littleton but also from his predecessor and two-time Guggenheim awardee, Edris Eckhardt. Drawing from Eckhardt’s work, 16:9—Reframing Glass invites viewers to peer through “the looking glass”—a new lens of glass practice via video and performance—from the perspectives of femme protagonists.
Thursday, February 29, 2024, 5:00–8:00pm
5:00–6:00pm | Hot Glass & Sweet Treats Reception
Live Flameworking Demonstrations on the Wisconsin FireWagon by Chemistry Department Scientific Glassblowers Tracy Drier and Lauren Aria
Sugarblowing Demonstration by Food Science PhD Candidate and Sugarblower Damielle Hieber
Treats from the UW Candy School (Confectionary Technology)
Ask-a-Materials Scientist with Dr. Richard Hartel, Professor of Food Science
6:00–8:00pm | 16:9—Reframing Glass with May Maylisa Cat Glass Film Festival
5:00–8:00pm | Exhibition Viewing
Look What Harvey Did: Harvey K. Littleton’s Legacy in the Simona and Jerome Chazen Collection of Studio Glass exhibition open for viewing