Rae Rivera

Position title: Ph.D. Student; Project Assistant

Email: rrivera8@wisc.edu

Image of woman standing in front of carved wooden building

Curriculum Vitae

B.A. Texas Tech University, 2017
M.A. Háskóli Íslands, 2020

Rae graduated with a Bachelor of Art degree in Art History in 2017 from Texas Tech University with a minor in German. In 2020, she completed her Master of Arts degree in Medieval Icelandic Studies from the Háskóli Íslands. Her MA thesis focused on implied liminality in depictions of the plant-bearing figure found on multiple media across pre-Christian Scandinavia.

Research Interests
Pre-Christian Scandinavia, ritual, liminality, gender performance, reception

Exhibition Report of Art of Enterprise: Israhel van Meckenem’s 15th Century Print Workshop, ICMA News, no. 2 (2024): 35-37.

“Opening Our Cage: Women, Power, and Agency in the Medieval World 500-1500; 16-20 May 2020”, Kyngervi 2 (2020): 99-102.

Primary Advisor(s)
Thomas E. A. Dale