2017 Summer Fieldschool Ebook Published


North Dakota

The e-book produced as part of the 2017 summer field school has been published. The book is the result of research conducted by students and volunteers who participated in Prof. Andrzejewski’s summer field class.

The field-based class taught students field methods in vernacular architecture studies through a hands-on approach. The class spent a week in southwestern North Dakota conducting research on the rural folk architecture of the “Germans from Russia,” who immigrated to the area in the early 1900s. Prof. Andrzejewski’s class activities were supported through a research-sponsored agreement as part of mitigation efforts for an energy project.

Prof. Andrzejewski plans to take a new group of students to the region this fall (Fall 2018) as part of her graduate seminar, Art History 867: Methods in Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures.

Click HERE to get your copy of the book.