Sophia Maxine Farmer (M.A. 2014, Ph.D. 2019) will begin a new position this fall as Assistant Professor of Art History in the Art and Design Department at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith. As the sole art historian in the department and head of the art history program, Prof. Farmer looks forward to interacting with her art and design colleagues to develop an innovative and inclusive curriculum. She currently working on a number of research projects including her book, Of Flesh and Metal: Artificial Life and the Futurist Cyborg, and several articles she developed during her Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Getty Research Institute. Prof. Farmer wants to extend her gratitude to her advisors Prof. Barbara Copeland Buenger and Prof. Anna Vemer Andrzejewski and to all the faculty, students, and staff in the Art History Department at UW–Madison who helped her to reach this stage in her career. Congratulations Sophia!