Thursday, November 5th, 2:30–4:00pm CDT
Zoom: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/96074565874?pwd=KzRkWVVJYXBOYlFWUjJiendXV293Zz09
Join our Departmental colloquium this Thursday, November 5th, at 2:30pm CDT, featuring Professor Jill H. Casid in conversation with distinguished alumna Amy L. Powell (Ph.D., 2011), Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Krannert Art Museum at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign about curating the upcoming exhibition and catalogue, A Question of Emphasis: Louise Fishman Drawing (supported by the Henry Luce Foundation American Art Program) for which Casid contributed the essay, “Queer Expressivity: or, How to Do It with Louise Fishman.”
Image caption: Louise Fishman, detail from Book of Abuse, 1993–94. Acrylic, oil, oil stick, graphite, staples, and wire with aluminum and paper collage on paper; Japanese Leporello Binding. 6-3/8 x 3-5/8 x 1 5/8 inches. Courtesy of the Artist. Copyright Louise Fishman.