Jill Casid keynotes IAVC conference

Professor Jill Casid delivers the keynote on “Doing Things with Being Undone” at the 5th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Visual Culture in London September 13th to 15th. Taking up the issues surrounding “Visual Pedagogies,” the conference features papers and creative proposals that address the burning questions: Can we teach what we see? Can we see what we teach? How is the world changed, reaffirmed, or progressed through the visual? How does it slip back? What impact can thoughtful uses of images in teaching, scholarship, artistic, and political practice have on the future, as well as on the telling of history? How can we as scholars, practitioners, educators, and concerned citizens of the world see ourselves as teachers of and through the visual, whatever our context? On Professor Casid’s keynote, she writes: “Mis-hear the “cene” in Anthropocene and we are not beholders of an epoch or witnesses to a prospect of distancing projection onto a deep past or lost future but, rather, in the scene of our undoing. In this scene I call the Necrocene, there are still ways of doing things with being undone. My new work in progress proposes what we might call a new ars moriendi to make contestatorily palpable the necropolitical conditions of Necrocene crisis by demonstrating with something like a living our dying through a practice of transversal vulnerability. What I am putting on scene is the queering question of how dying is used as material medium to agitate for livable life by insisting that to make death count it matters crucially how we live our dying.”

Click HERE for the conference program.