For the first time, Professor Anna Andrzejewski will be teaching ART HIST / ENVIR ST / GEOG / HISTORY / LAND ARC 239: Making the American Landscape this Spring 2024 semester. TR 9:30–10:45am with weekly discussion sessions | NO PREREQS! | Ethnic Studies | Humanities or Social Science Breadth | L&S Credit | Enroll here Description: Traces the history and evolution of the American cultural landscape from precolonial times to present. Explores how class, ethnic, and racial inequality have shaped the appearance of the American landscape over time, and how that landscape in turn has affected relationships between people and groups through the present day. Examines extraordinary things (civic structures (like our State Capitol), National Parks, War Memorials) and more ordinary kinds of places (mining towns, cotton plantations, sites of recreation and leisure, and suburban tract housing) to stimulate critical thinking about how these places have served people and groups unequally and disproportionately over time and across space. Considers complex meanings of American spaces and places to different people and groups, stimulating empathy and encouraging participation in a multicultural society.