Spring 2024 Course Highlight | Passages Through India

Professor Preeti Chopra will be teaching ART HIST 103: Passages Through India MW 1:20–2:10pm. NO PREREQS! | Humanities Breadth | L&S Credit. Enroll here. Description: This lecture course concentrates on India and South Asia’s global architectural histories from the ancient to the modern periods. While focusing predominantly on architectural sites in India, it examines architecture at multiple sites across the globe which share connected histories with South Asia.We live in a world of nation states and are shaped by national histories including national architectural histories. However, in the arc of human history, nation states are of recent vintage. Societies have never lived in worlds defined by contemporary national borders. This course examines India and South Asia’s global architectural histories not only through comparison but, in the words of historian Sanjay Subrahmanyam, “by seeking out the at times fragile threads that connected India to “the globe. The sites for this architectural history are both within and beyond South Asia. This course captures the mobility of populations, traders, conquerors, missionaries, pilgrims, tourists, colonists, architects, artists, scholars, religion, merchandise, art, architecture, ideas and so on as well as parallel developments taking place across the globe. In doing so, we show that South Asia’s global architectural histories escape the nation state and are themselves the complex products of varied histories of cultural encounters. No prior knowledge of India is necessary.