Nayoung Kim
Position title: Ph.D. Candidate; Chazen Museum of Art Project Assistant
Pronouns: she/her/hers

B.A. Seoul National University, 2017
M.A. Seoul National University, 2020
Nayoung studies early modern European art, with a focus on the German-speaking regions during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. She received her M.A. in Art History from Seoul National University, South Korea. In her M.A. thesis, “The Iconography of the Anna Selbdritt in Northern Europe (1450–1550): Matrilineage and Power,” she discusses the imagery of St. Anne in relation to the roles of women in the contemporary political scene. Her current research interests are the images of gender and family in Christian art and their reception. Her research revolves around the secularization of religious objects and the blurred boundaries of the sacred and the secular.
2023 Douglas Schewe Award for Best Graduate Student Paper
“Beautiful and Monstrous: Late Medieval Images of the Unicorn Hunt”
Primary Advisor(s)
Thomas E. A. Dale