Mirella Maria
Position title: Ph.D. Student
Email: mmaria@wisc.edu
Website: Mirella Maria's website

B.A. São Paulo State University, Brazil, 2015
M.A. São Paulo State University, Brazil, 2018
Research Interests
Latin American Visual Culture, Afro-Brazilian Art, Gender Studies; Global South Epistemologies; Critical Museology.
Mirella Maria is a visual artist, researcher, and teacher. She has a degree in Visual Arts and a master’s degree in Art Education at São Paulo State University (UNESP, Brazil). She has experience working as art educator, trainer, and consultant in museums, cultural centers, art schools in Brazil and South Africa. As a visual artist, she participated in the XII Bienal do Mercosul. Her research is focused on counter-hegemonic artistic production, aligning it with epistemologies of the Global South, ethno-racial/gender issues, and post-colonial studies.
“Maria Auxiliadora: Embroidery and Painting.” In Maria Auxiliadora: daily life, painting and resistance, eds. Adriano Pedrosa and Fernando Oliva. São Paulo: MASP Publications, 2018.
“Decolonial and Heritage Practices in the Context of Current Global Challenges: Transdisciplinary Quilombola Museology Through Digital Formats in Brazilian Community Museums.” In Curating with Care. London: Routledge, in press.
Primary Advisor(s)
Jill H. Casid