The Academy offers three types of dissertation research fellowships: The Birgit Baldwin Fellowship in French Medieval History, the Schallek Fellowship, and Medieval Academy Dissertation Grants. The Baldwin Fellowship provides a grant to support a graduate student in a North American university who is researching and writing a significant dissertation for the Ph.D. on any subject in French medieval history that can be realized only by sustained research in the archives and libraries of France. It may be renewed for a second year upon demonstration of satisfactory progress. Because of the renewable nature of the fellowship, applications are solicited on a biannual basis. The Schallek Fellowship provides a one-year grant to support Ph.D. dissertation research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500). Medieval Academy dissertation grants support advanced graduate students who are writing Ph.D. dissertations on medieval topics. The grants help defray research expenses such as the cost of travel to research collections and the cost of photographs, photocopies, microfilms, and other research materials.