The award is given annually to the graduate seminar paper of the year, as selected by the Art History Department. Papers are nominated by the faculty members for whom they were written. The winner, who …
Month: December 2017
Readers (grading assistants) grade papers, exams, and other course work; they do not instruct students. They are paid on an hourly basis and do not receive fringe benefits. Readers do not ordinarily attend class, although in …
Research Assistants
Research Assistants differ from project assistants only in that both the professor and the assistant work in the same area of research (e.g. on a mutual project). There are no Research Assistantships in the Art History …
Project Assistants
Project Assistants help an individual professor with a research project or work in the Visual Resources Collection (slide room). Duties and requirements vary according to the particular position. Most appointments are in the 33-75% range. Besides …
Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistants lead discussion sections and grade written work in lecture courses. They may teach 3-4 fifty-minute sections depending on course enrollment and available funding. The number of teaching assistantships available in any semester depends upon …
Travel Awards for Research Abroad
Open to Ph.D. candidates who must travel outside the US, Canada, Puerto Rico or Mexico for dissertation research. Prior to departure, students must have successfully completed all requirements for the degree except residency and the …
German Academic Exchange (DAAD)
Graduate School has a special partnership with the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) which provides for students to spend a year at a German University.
Excellence in Teaching
Awards recognize superior teaching by graduate assistants on this campus.
Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellowship in the Humanities
The fellowship is open to Ph.D. students in the humanities or in the humanistically-oriented social sciences; candidates may be from any college or school at UW-Madison. Nominees must have had their dissertation proposals accepted and …
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann
Fellowship covers tuition, room and board, living expenses and income taxes. Competition is open to US citizens pursuing graduate studies in the United States in any recognized field.