This podcast series explores the visual culture of Spanish America and Spain and is presented by doctoral students from Dr. Carolina Alarcon’s Renaissance Spain and Colonial Latin America class. This series seeks to bring attention …
Month: October 2019
Student Spotlight: Claire Kilgore (PhD Student), Mya Frieze (MA Student), and Tania Kolarik (PhD Student) attend “Collecting Histories” Workshop at the Newberry Library
This past Friday, Claire Kilgore (PhD Student), Mya Frieze (MA Student), and Tania Kolarik (PhD Student) attended the “Collecting Histories: Introduction to Provenance Research” workshop at the Newberry Library in Chicago. They were able to look …
Interview with Professor Jennifer Nelson
This fall the Department of Art History welcomed our newest faculty member, Professor Jennifer Nelson, into the University of Wisconsin-Madison family. Prof. Nelson’s courses and research cover the early modern period, which is roughly from …
Student/Faculty Spotlight: 45th Byzantine Studies Conference Presentations
This weekend UW-Madison hosted the 45th Byzantine Studies Conference and the Art History Department had three PhD students present, along with Professor Thomas Dale. Congratulations to our Byzantine medievalists! Özlem Eren, PhD Student, presented …
Faculty Spotlight: Prof. Jennifer Nelson’s New Book
Professor Jennifer Nelson‘s book, Disharmony of the Spheres: The Europe of Holbein’s Ambassadors, was released last month. Fun Fact: It’s now the #1 New Release in Religious History on Amazon!
Interview with an Auditor: Dr. Beth Neary
The Department of Art History would like to introduce our new series: Interview with an Auditor! The department will be sharing interviews with various auditors during the course of the upcoming 2019–2020 academic year. Everyone …
Workshop with Professor Lea Stirling
Researchers in Art History and Archaeology can expect to study old objects, but they may also find that they need to handle old data: Victorian-era publications, original excavation notebooks, or other archival records. These old …
Matt Westerby to Join CASVA
Starting in October, Matthew Westerby (Ph.D. 2017) will join the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA) in Washington, D.C., as a Postdoctoral Research Associate for Digital Projects. In addition to his responsibility …
CFP: Library Architecture (due November 25, 2019)
Call for Papers: Library Architecture in North America (Workshop, Madison, WI, March 26–28th, 2020) Department of Art History, Madison, WI, USA, March 26–28th, 2020 Submission Deadline: November 25th, 2019 Keynote Speaker: Kenneth Breisch, USC Organizer: …
Faculty Spotlight: Thomas Dale “Race and Globalism in the Roman Empire and Medieval Venice: A Conversation”
Professor Thomas Dale (Art History), with Professor Nandini Pandey (CANES), will participate for this Medieval Studies Brown-bag Research Colloquium. They will discuss research in progress and compare approaches to race and globalism in the Roman Empire and thirteenth-century …