AH 354 “Cross-Cultural Arts Around the Atlantic Rim: 1800 to the Present” will be taught by Professor Jill Casid TR 11:00–12:15pm this fall. Sophomore standing, Honors Optional, Ethnic Studies, Humanities Breadth, and L&S Credit. Description: …
Month: July 2022
Reports from the Field | Tania Kolarik Notes from Lucca
This summer many of our graduate students are traveling across the U.S. and abroad to conduct research for their dissertations. Our new series, Reports from the Field, will feature portions of our graduate student’s research and …
Fall 2022 Course Highlight | Religion and Art
After a year of leave, Professor Thomas Dale will be teaching AH 103: Religion and Art, TR 11:00–11:50am in Elvehjem L140. First year friendly, no prereqs, counts toward religious studies certificate, satisfies humanities breadth and L&S credit. Enroll here. Description: What makes a particular place …
Faculty News: Prof. Casid Presents at Tate Liverpool
On Friday, July 8th, Professor Jill Casid took part in the Finding Common Ground: Making the Landscape Radical symposium at Tate Liverpool. Prof. Casid’s paper was titled “Going to Seed in the Necrocene.” Imagined as an …
Fall 2022 Course Highlight | Seeing Through Conspiracies
This fall, Professor Jennifer Nelson will be teaching AH 103: Seeing Through Conspiracies, Monday and Wednesday, 12:05–12:55pm in Elvehjem L160. Comm B optional, satisfies humanities breadth and L&S credit. Enroll here. Description: Fake news is not a new problem. …
Student Spotlight | Ho-Chunk Land: Stories of Teejop w/our own Kendra Greendeer! Recording Now Available!
On Thursday, June 16th, Kendra Greendeer (Ph.D. Candidate) participated in the Wisconsin Idea Spotlight: “Ho-Chunk Land — Stories of Teejop,” alongside Ho-Chunk Nation trial court judge JoAnn Jones ’82, MS’83, JD’86 and Professor of Photography …
Fall 2022 Course Highlight | The Art of Diversity: Race & Representation in the Art & Visual Culture of the U.S.
AH 104 “The Art of Diversity: Race and Representation in the Art and Visual Culture of the United States,” will be taught again this fall MW, 9:55–10:45am. This course is first-year friendly and goes toward …
Faculty News | Professor Spaulding Wins Research Prize
The Museum Schloss Moyland Foundation, located in the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, has awarded the fourth Joseph Beuys Prize for Research to Daniel Spaulding (Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art, UW–Madison) as well as Polish scholar …
Student Spotlight | Ahmed Abdelazim Awarded Gerda Henkel Ph.D. Fellowship
Ph.D. Candidate Ahmed Abdelazim was awarded the Gerda Henkel Ph.D. fellowship award for his dissertation “Operating through dichotomies: Discourses on the ‘Islamic’ in Egypt’s architecture from 1967 to 2013.” Ahmed’s research examines how society produced …
CDMC Call for Exhibition Proposals!!!
Are you interested in exhibiting with the Center for Design and Material Culture in one of their galleries? CDMC collaborates with artists, curators, designers, scholars, and more to create meaningful exhibits that support curriculum, research, …