Congratulations to PhD Student Travis Olson for being awarded the 2020 HABS/SAH Sally Kress Tompkins Fellow for the National Park Service’s Heritage Documentation Programs (HDP)! Since the HDP office is still on an all-telework schedule due to COVID-19, …
Month: June 2020
Fall 2020 Course Highlight: AH 355 “History & Theory of Photography”
This fall, PhD Candidate Kyungso Min will be teaching AH 355: History & Theory of Photography on Tuesday/Thursdays 2:30–3:45pm. This is a FIRST YEAR FRIENDLY course!
Student Spotlight: Art History Dept. Hosts Alt-Ac Career Roundtable
This past week, Graduate Student Coordinator Prof. Thomas Dale organized a roundtable entitled “Alternative Careers and Strategies for Art History Graduates.” Art History alumni who have careers outside of academia were invited by Prof. Dale …
Faculty News: Professor Andrzejewski Leads New Workshop
Prof. Anna Andrzejewski (along with co-PI Caroline Gottschalk-Druschke, English) has been awarded funding for a new Mellon-Borghesi Workshop at the Center for the Humanities for 2020–21. “Greener Pastures” developed in response to an urgent crisis in Wisconsin’s livestock …
Fall 2020 Course Highlight: AH 300 Art & Archaeology of Ancient Greece
Professor Nick Cahill will be teaching AH 300: Art & Archaeology of Ancient Greece TTh 9:30-10:45am. This is a First Year Friendly course and is open to all students with no prerequisites.
Happy Father’s Day!
Alumni Update: Peter Bovenmyer Discusses Florentine Manuscript for Les Enluminures
Peter Bovenmyer (PhD, 2019), gallery manager at Les Enluminures in Chicago, discusses an early Florentine humanistic manuscript from the important scriptorium of S. Maria degli Angeli, the artistic home of Lorenzo Monaco and Fra Angelico. This video is …
Fall 2020 Course Highlight: AH 210 “A History of the World in 20 Buildings”
You may know of the Taj Mahal, the Great Pyramids at Giza, and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater, but do you know how they fit into world history? This fall Professor Jennifer Pruitt will be teaching …
Faculty News: L&S Celebrating Art History Affiliate Associate Professor Anna Campbell!
We’re celebrating Anna Campbell, an associate professor of Gender & Women Studies who teaches high-end curation and art-making and whose work focuses on queer art. She is the recipient of a 2020 Creative Arts Award …
Summer Course Highlight: Islamic Art & Architecture Begins Today!
AH 305: Islamic Art & Architecture begins TODAY! There is still time to register for this class if you have not.