LauraLee Brott, PhD Candidate in Art History, and postdoctoral fellow Heather Wacha had an article accepted for publication in Imago Mundi: The International Journal for the History of Cartography. Their article, “Reframing the World: The …
Month: April 2019
Andrzejewski Awarded ND Humanities Grant
Prof. Anna Andrzejewski has received a grant from the North Dakota Humanities Council to support ongoing research on ethnic farmsteads in southwestern North Dakota. This will allow Anna and her students to return to Stark …
Teddy Kaul’s Photography is on Display
Teddy Kaul, the undergraduate program advisor and graduate program coordinator in the Art History Dept., was selected to show his photography in the Division of Continuing Studies! The Division of Continuing Studies, located on the …
Sophia Maxine Farmer at the Getty
We are delighted to announce that doctoral candidate, Sophia Maxine Farmer, has been awarded a Getty Residential Pre/Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Getty Research Institute. Their generous funding will support her research project, “Il naturismo futurista: …