University Fellowships

A one-year award waiving tuition (with the Dept. supporting an additional 1-2 years depending on satisfactory progress), providing a stipend and permitting enrollment in a University health insurance plan. At present there are two separate …

Graduate Student Study Room

The Graduate Room is located in Room 464 of Memorial Library, immediately off of the main elevators. This space is dedicated to supporting graduate students working alone or in small groups. This is intended to …

Center for Visual Cultures

Founded in 2002, the Center for Visual Cultures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison supports curricular innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration from faculty and students in the emerging field of visual cultures. They sponsor a yearlong speaker …

Material Culture Program

The Center for Design and Material Culture supports the study of material culture through our curricular collaborations, exhibitions, and programs. This work includes considering the histories and futures of textiles, the study of design, and …