African Art in American Collections: From Male to Female AuthorshipTuesday, November 2nd, 2021 | 6:00–7:00pm CTSan Antonio Museum of Art | $10 | Zoom | Register hereAlumnus Moyo Okediji (PhD, 1995), Professor of Art and Art History at …
Year: 2021
Thank You to Our Fill the Hill 2021 Donors!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Department of Art History during Fill the Hill 2021! Our students greatly appreciate your support. On Wisconsin!
Fill the Hill Ends in an HOUR!!!
There’s only a little more than 1 HOUR left in Fill the Hill 2021 and YOU can still donate to the Department of Art History!
Only 3 Hours Until the End of Fill the Hill 2021! Help Support Our Students!
We’re only a little over 3 HOURS AWAY from the end of Fill the Hill 2021! Please consider donating to the Department of Art History to support our students. #UWFlamingos #FillTheHill #uwmadisonarthistory #uwmadison #OnWisconsin #fillthehill2021 …
We Only Need $1800 to reach Our Fill the Hill 2021 Goal!
We’re only 4 HOURS AWAY from the end of Fill the Hill 2021! And we’re only $1800 away from our goal of $5,000! Enjoy Alexander Calder’s Flamingo in Chicago’s Federal Plaza, Chicago, IL, and unveiled in …
Levi Sherman at Las Vegas Book Festival
On October 23, Levi Sherman joined artists Sarah Maker and Mark Sarigianis on a panel moderated by book artist and podcaster Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder. “The Art of Contemporary Bookmaking” was convened at the Las Vegas Book Festival to increase …
Fill the Hill 2021 Ends at 6PM CT! Predynastic Egyptian Flamingos!
Fill the Hill 2021 Ends at 6:00pm CT, can you help up reach our goal of $5,000 to support our students? This morning we have our next art historical flamingo with a decorated ware jar …
Fill the Hill 2021! Help Us Reach $5K! Flamingo Dinner with the Romans?!
Have you had dinner yet? We bet that it’s not flamingo, but if you were living in the Roman Empire you may have had. Here is our next art historical flamingo, a Roman mosaic depicting …
Fill the Hill 2021! An Hour In & Over $2.3k Raised! First Art Historical Flamingo of 2021!
We’re an hour into Fill the Hill 2021 and we have raised over $2,300 to support our students!!! Enjoy your first art historical flamingo of Fill the Hill 2021! It’s a chilly and drizzly day …
FILL THE HILL 2021!!! TODAY at 5:00pm CT!
FILL THE HILL 2021!!! TODAY at 5:00pm CT! Gifts made to the Department of Art History during Fill the Hill go toward maintaining the UW’s excellence in art history. Become a UW Flockstar for Art …