Alumni News | Susan Curtis (Ph.D., 2017) Publishes Book

Susan Curtis (Ph.D., 2017) is pleased to announce the publication of her first (and last) book, Sokari Douglas Camp: Sensational Steel by Africa World Press. In preparation for retirement from her career in health care, Ms. Curtis started taking courses from Professor Emeritus Henry Drewal as a UW Special Student. In 2009, Professor Emeritus Freida High W. Tesfagiorgis from Afro American Studies introduced her to Douglas Camp’s work, a monumental event which ultimately led to her dissertation about the artist, supervised by Professors Drewel, High, and Jill H. Casid. The book, copiously illustrated thanks to a grant from the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, is presented as a long-overdue survey of the artist’s four decades of prolific sculptural production.