Spring 2021 Course Highlight: “Cross-Cultural Arts Around the Atlantic Rim”

Ph.D. Candidate Kyungso Min will be teaching AH 354 Cross-Cultural Arts Around the Atlantic Rim TR 2:30–3:45pm. The development of modern and contemporary art is unthinkable without consideration of the constitutively shaping role of race and ethnicity. This course takes its name from the Atlantic Ocean, that body of water traversed by slave ships in the Middle Passage that continues to connect Europe, Africa, the Americas, and the Caribbean in a circuit of transverse influence. By understanding art and visual culture as no mere reflections of experience, we explore the ways in which visual representations—from survey maps and plans to diagrams to land and seascapings—do more than just reproduce a world wrought by colonization, trade, and slave labor. To see this course and our other course offerings please click here.