Ph.D. Student Levi Sherman presented at the 48th annual conference of the American Printing History Association (APHA) at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Levi presented his paper, “Ojalá: Material and Moral Cheapness on the US–Mexico Border.” The paper discusses a contemporary artists’ book that harnesses print history to challenge the status quo at the US-Mexico border: Ojalá by Philip Zimmermann and Ernesto León De la Rosa-Carrillo. In appropriating violent imagery from nota roja publications, Ojalá walks a tightrope between disrupting and reinscribing the violence of the border. With careful attention to, and historical awareness of, print production the artists successfully hijack the material cheapness of sensationalism to critique its moral cheapness. Recordings of each conference session will be posted on the APHA YouTube channel.