Dr. Sarah Stolte will be teaching ART HIST/AMER IND 359 American Indian Art History: Contemporary Issues May 22nd–June 18th | Online | T 9:00–10:50AM | AMER IND 100 or Sophomore Standing | Ethnic Studies | L&S Credit | Humanities Breadth. This is the first time that this course will be offered since 2013! Enroll here. Description: This course is designed to provide an introduction to Native North American Indian art and material culture, and to the broader questions underlying its study through a thematic introduction to contemporary (1960 to present) forms of Native North American Indian art drawing from historic (pre and post-contact) precedents. We will discuss the dynamics of continuity and change in Native North American Indian art and material culture as well as various approaches to display of these art works and materials. We will give particular intention to Indigenous perspectives on Native art as we study the writings of American Indian scholars, artists, and those whose lived experiences provide a basis for their insight and knowledge. Students in this writing-enriched course will be expected to write informal responses to issues raised in this class, reflections on course readings, films, and works of art considered in class, and complete a substantive formal curatorial and research project.