Summer 2024 Course Highlight | History of Western Art II: From Renaissance to Contemporary

Tania Kolarik (Ph.D. Candidate) will be teaching ART HIST 202 History of Western Art II: From Renaissance to Contemporary asynchronous online during the DHH session, June 17th–August 11th. First Year Friendly | No Prereqs! | Humanities Breadth | L&S Credit. Enroll here.

Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the study of the history of art with a focus on art produced in Europe and America from the Renaissance to the present. You will learn about broad trends in western art between the 1400s and the present, as well as tools that will enable you to describe, analyze, and interpret works of art and material and visual culture more broadly. Grades will be assigned based on performance on weekly quizzes, short writing activities, individual and group discussion exercises, and an individual final project that consists of mounting a digital exhibition. Why are we studying this material? The works of art and architecture introduced in this class are fundamental expressions of history and culture throughout human existence. In addition to visual artists, composers, writers, among other creatives have built on, reacted to, and synthesized new forms of expression through an understanding of the places, spaces, things, and concepts that we will explore in this class. This course is meant to empower you by providing analytical skills that will enable you to arrive at a more nuanced and critical understanding of humanity and our human condition.