“Crossings” Window Installation at the Chazen Museum of Art

If you are on campus over the next couple of weeks make sure to see Crossings, which is part of the Community Altar Project. You can find out more here: https://communityaltar.wiscweb.wisc.edu/virtual-exhibitions/chazen-museum-bridge-installation/?fbclid=IwAR1_AouIlGXN2g3Y_70WV_87LedzDENS-NiULFZC2zfwSWNSaXoGXlXANrs

Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day! Check out all Veterans Month activities hosted by The Wisconsin Union here: https://union.wisc.edu/…/special…/veterans-month-2020/

Curating Convo with Alumna Amy Powell

Thursday, November 5th, 2:30–4:00pm CDT Zoom: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/96074565874?pwd=KzRkWVVJYXBOYlFWUjJiendXV293Zz09 Join our Departmental colloquium this Thursday, November 5th, at 2:30pm CDT, featuring Professor Jill H. Casid in conversation with distinguished alumna Amy L. Powell (Ph.D., 2011), Curator of Modern …

November 3rd is Election Day!

TOMORROW, November 3rd, is Election Day! Make sure that you have a plan to vote and know how to vote in your state. If you have not voted yet you can check your state’s requirements …