While conducting dissertation research in Germany this summer, Claire Kilgore (Ph.D. Candidate) visited the exhibition Das Mittelalter—die Kunst des 15. Jahrhunderts (The Middle Ages—The Art of the 15th Century) at the Germanisches National Museum in Nuremberg. In addition to …
Graduate Students
Student Spotlight | Drew Narayanan Publishes Article
Ph.D. Candidate Tirumular (Drew) Narayanan‘s article, “‘Why is He Indian:’ Missed Opportunities for Discussing Race in David Lowery’s The Green Knight (2021),” has been published in a special issue of Arthuriana. Drew discusses that despite having cast Dev Patel …
Student Spotlight | Tania Kolarik & Claire Kilgore to Present at ICMS 2024
Ph.D. Candidates Tania Kolarik and Claire Kilgore will each be presenting papers at the 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University in May 2024. Both of their papers will incorporate their textile research that they completed this …
Student Spotlight | Ahmed Abdelazim Writes Report for UNESCO
Ph.D. candidate Ahmed Abdelazim has concluded a research project sponsored by UNESCO and the American University in Cairo architectural archives. Ahmed examined all the available documents, drawings, photographs, audio tapes, notes, and papers at the AUC …
Student Spotlight | Tania Kolarik to Present at CIHA 2024
Ph.D. Candidate Tania Kolarik will be presenting part of her dissertation research, “Textility: A New Textile Centric Art Historical Methodology,” during a roundtable session at the 36th Congrès du Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) in Lyon, France. …
Student Spotlight | Medievalists to Attend MAA in 2024
Ph.D. Candidates (from top left) Abby Armstrong Check, Tania Kolarik, and Claire Kilgore will be attending the 99th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America conference at the University of Notre Dame in March 2024. Kolarik and Armstrong …
Student & Alumni Spotlight | First Look at the Divine Comedy Ballet
On October 21st, Anna Betz (B.A. 2017; M.A. 2020) hosted the first viewing of her original ballet based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, including original choreography and music. Ph.D. Candidates Claire Kilgore and Tania Kolarik attended the evening, and …
Student Spotlight | Levi Sherman Presents at APHA
Ph.D. Student Levi Sherman presented at the 48th annual conference of the American Printing History Association (APHA) at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Levi presented his paper, “Ojalá: Material and Moral Cheapness on …
Student Spotlight | Levi Sherman in “The Blue Notebook”
Ph.D. Student Levi Sherman’s essay, “Dis/continuity in Reading and Walking: Hamish Fulton’s Ontology of the Environment” appears in the Autumn-Winter issue of The Blue Notebook: Journal for artists’ books. The essay began in Prof. Jonathan Senchyne’s book …
Student Spotlight | Levi Sherman included in JAB Anthology
Ph.D. Student Levi Sherman’s essay, “Books and Conflict: Witnessing Reality and Representation” was included in the Journal of Artists’ Books Anthology, just published by University of Iowa Press. “This anthology of articles selected from The Journal of Artists’ Books contains …