LauraLee Brott graduated this spring with her Ph.D. in medieval art history under the advisement of Professor Thomas Dale.
Reflection: “In my second year as a PhD student, while I was still finishing coursework, the art history department awarded me a scholarship to travel to London so that I could consult the famous thirteenth century Psalter World and List Maps (BL Add. MS 68281 fol. 9r-v) and confirm that they were pasted into their manuscript. This discovery, made alongside Dr. Heather Wacha, put me ‘on the map’ within medieval map scholarship, and I am grateful for the faith and support I received from the department towards this endeavor!”
Dr. Brott will be working as a research assistant for The Sunderland Collection, which comprises over 130 exquisite objects dating from c.1200 to the early 1800s, featuring world maps, atlases, books of knowledge and globes.
Congratulations Dr. Brott!