Student Spotlight/Event: Check Out the Graduate Student Organizers and Papers at the 20th Vagantes Conference on Medieval Studies

The 20th Vagantes Conference on Medieval Studies at UW–Madison begins TOMORROW, March 18th at 7:30am CT. Ph.D. Candidate Tania Kolarik and Ph.D. Student Claire Kilgore are the co-host institution representatives who worked to bring the conference to UW–Madison and led the organization of the virtual conference.

Several other Art History graduate students will be participating in the conference by giving papers and/or chairing sessions. Here are a list of graduate students and their presentations:

Thursday, March 18th, 2:00pm CT
–Claire Kilgore (Ph.D. Student), “Exploring the Anatomy of the Sacred: Late Medieval Devotional and Medical Practice”

Friday, March 19th, 1:30pm CT
Abby Armstrong-Check (Ph.D. Student), “Devotional Lay patronage in a Late Medieval English Alabaster Sculpture Panel at the Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, Wisconsin”
Tirumular (Drew) Narayanan (Ph.D. Student), “‘They are Coming Over OUR Walls:’ Visualizing Race-as-replacement through the ‘Sack of Acre’ in Les Grandes Chroniques de France (14th–15th century)”

You can find the full conference program and links to register here: