Ph.D. Student Tirumular (Drew) Narayanan has recently translated a section from Guillaume de Nangis’ Life of St. Louis. Pre-dating Louis’ more famous biography by Jean de Joinville, the chronicle celebrates the life, accomplishments and sometimes miraculous abilities …
Graduate Students
Faculty & Student News: Pre-Modern and Contemporary Race and Racism in Five Objects
Art History Professor Thomas Dale and Ph.D. Student Drew Naryanan will be taking part in the “Pre-Modern and Contemporary Race and Racism in Five Objects” Panel Discussion on Monday, September 28th, 7:00–8:30pm CST. Zoom: Click here …
Student Spotlight: Jessica Cooley’s “Indisposable” at the Ford Foundation
We are excited to announce the opening of the year-long collaboration “Indisposable: Structures of Support after the Americans with Disabilities Act” curated by PhD candidate Jessica Cooley and her co-curator Ann Fox, for the Ford …
Alumni News: Anna Betz (MA, 2020) Hired as Design Consultant
Anna Betz (MA, 2020) recently started working as the Design Consultant for a home remodeling company in Minneapolis called, Affordable Granite & Cabinetry. She designs and sells remodeling concepts and solutions for residential and commercial …
Lindsay Wells (PhD Candidate) Awarded 2020 VanArsdel Prize
Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Lindsay Wells for winning the 2020 VanArsdel Prize, awarded by The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (RSVP). Her essay “Vegetal Bedfellows: Houseplant Superstitions and Environmental Thought in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals,” will be published in an upcoming issue …
Lin, Chi-Lynn
Behbahani-Nia, Ehsan
Student Spotlight: Kohler Art Library 50th Summer Quarantine Embroidery
PhD Candidate Tania Kolarik has been spending part of her summer quarantine embroidering the 50th anniversary Kohler Art Library tote bag as a way to de-stress. Tania, who has made quilts and her own clothes, works on fourteenth …
Student Spotlight: Jessica Cooley Curating for the Ford Foundation Art Gallery
Jessica Cooley (PhD Candidate) has been commissioned by Ford Foundation’s Art Gallery where she is co-curating a yearlong online and physical exhibition titled INDISPOSABLE: Structures of Support after the ADA. Stay tuned for updates on …